AI Survey Response Analysis
Don't leave critical survey insights on the table!
Analyse large bodies of text quickly and accurately
Extract hidden themes and sentiment that have a direct impact on your organisation
Understand each respondent's specific feelings about your organisation by analysing their entire survey response for topics and themes - not just each individual answer
Discover how strongly respondents feel - negatively or positively - about your services, products, teams, priorities and overall relationship with them
At Powered By Data we have been tasked on multiple occasions with the analysis of large surveys. Analysing and summarising multiple choice surveys is relatively straight forward, however extracting meaning from long-form and free-text responses to questions is much more of a challenge
We have built a new capability, allowing us to leverage AI to summarise, score and analyse these bodies of text. Asking a survey respondent to "tell us in your own words..." gives them the opportunity to provide incredible and deep insight into their real feelings about your organisation, products and services. Often, this response ends up being ignored for two reasons - individual responses don't necessarily reflect the more general views, and a large body of responses can be expensive and extremely time consuming to be assessed by humans.
Every survey is different, and our approach framework is incredibly flexible, allowing us to tailor it to your specific needs.
To finally get the insight you deserve from the most valuable parts of your surveys, just get in touch - our initial conversations are always free so you really do have nothing to lose!